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About the HWBA's Committees
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Advertising & Public Relations Committee - The Advertising and Public Relations Committee is responsible for making sure information about HWBA News and Events are publicized and working with local media, setting up press releases and getting media coverage on the different events sponsored by the association.
The chairperson for this committe is David Friedman [davidbrucefriedman@gmail.com].
Meeting dates, times and location TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Beautification Committee - The responsibility of this committee is to beautify TOH owned property in Hewlett and Woodmere's business district, through planting and landscaping; to participate in holiday decorating (once decorations are purchased); to act as a catalyst for special projects related to Nassau County and or TOH beautification efforts. This Committee shall encourage residents and businesses to create and maintain landscaping and "green" areas that enrich and beautify the community. This Committee, along with the Events Committee, will schedule the Bi-Annual clean sweep.
The chairperson for this committe is Loretta Camarda [loretta_camarda@ftn.fedex.com].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Bylaws Committee - The responsibility of this committee is to review and monitor the bylaws of the association and propose any necessary changes on a yearly basis. They must prepare any bylaw changes for presentation at the annual meeting in November.
The chairperson for this committe is Currently Open [info@hwba.org].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Events Committee - The responsibility of this committee is to drive traffic to HW businesses, increase awareness about the HWBA and its commercial amenities and to connect with and engage the community. The event committee will work with HWBA BOD to develop, plan and evaluate HWBA's annual events. This will include overseeing long range planning and organization of the event calendar, event coordination, and post event evaluation. Current events include: Memorial Day Parade, Arts Below Sunrise Fall street fair, Holiday Mixer, Annual Installation Breakfast, Decoration Drive, Golf Outing and possibly a Talent Show of some sort.
The chairperson for this committe is Jaime Wysocki [dancexpressny@gmail.com].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Grant Committee - The responsibility of this committee is to research possible local, state and federal grant that are appropriate for our business community, and to apply for those grants.
The chairperson for this committe is Albert Risi [albert.d.risi@citi.com].
Meeting dates, times and location TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Mailing Committee - The Mailing Committee is responsible for making sure information about HWBA's News and Events are distributed through the mail when appropriate.
The chairperson for this committe is David Toron [minutemanpress@att.net].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Meeting Notification Committee - The Meeting Notification Committee is responsible for internal communication regarding Executive Board and General Membership meetings.
The chairperson for this committe is Loretta Camarda [loretta_camarda@ftn.fedex.com].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Membership Committee - The responsibility of this committee is to oversee all aspects of membership: prospecting, recruiting and retention. The committee ensures that HWBA membership provides proven value to businesses via education, networking, marketing, discounts and much more. Membership will focus on topics such as: Website, Education, Annual Meeting, Networking opportunities, member dues structure.
The chairperson for this committe is Linda Kreisman [lbk527@aol.com].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Raffle Prize Committee - The responsibility of this committee is to solicit local businesses, regardless if they are members of the HWBA, for items and or gift certificates that will be raffled off during any of the HWBA's fund raising events.
The chairperson for this committe is Currently Open [info@hwba.org].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association
Technology Committee - The responsibility of this committee is to develop web pages, social media and online opportunities for the membership and the association.
The chairperson for this committe is John Roblin [jmroblin@8thplanet.com].
Meeting dates, times and location: TBA.
Hewlett Woodmere Business Association


© 2011-2022 Hewlett Woodmere Business Association, all rights reserved. Hosting provided by 8thPlanet.com.

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